Congratulations on partnering with The SGNY Group in NYC to develop your brand messaging. Our award-winning and talented videographers will produce stunning and memorable video content to promote your brand and communicate your important messages. But how will you get these provocative and innovative pieces of media before the right audiences?
You may not realize that The SGNY Group is a full-service digital marketing agency. We have experienced and skilled designers and developers on our team to create absolutely incredible video and graphical media. But that is only half of the task – you need help developing and carrying out a strategy to place your marketing media before targeted audiences for the best possible return.
Marketing Distribution for Television, Radio and Internet
The SGNY Group of New York also has experienced and innovative team members who focus on the best distribution strategies for your particular business. We can use various channels of media to spread your media and messaging far and wide. These can include:
- Satellite Media Tours (SMTs)
- Radio Media Tours (RMTs)
- Audio News Releases (ANRs)
- Internet Marketing (your website and social media)
A combined approach that saturates your target markets can keep your company and its services or products top of mind and show audiences the value of doing business with you. Our distribution experts can explain how each of these channels work and our role in using them to elevate your brand messaging to drive customers to your door.
The SGNY Group in New York City
The SGNY Group is uniquely positioned in New York City with access to numerous scenes and resources that can aid in making your video messaging reach out and grab audiences. Our experienced designers, animators, videographers and other team members can produce virtually any type of marketing messages you require, and we have the connections and expertise to distribute them strategically to the best target clientele.
Contact The SGNY Group in NYC today at 212-584-5661 and schedule a consultation to explore our full media marketing and distribution services.
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1133 Broadway, Suite 606
New York, NY 10010
Phone: (212) 584-5661
Monday - Friday:9:00 AM – 6:00 PM